>>>The Fine Print
Big thanks to Blambot, DaFont, Sc0tts Sanctuary (no longer online), Font Yukle, and Font Empire for all the spectacular fonts!
Thanks to PS Brushes.net and In Obscuro for the occasional free for non-commercial use Adobe-compatible brush!
This website contains links to other sites which I like or think you may find interesting for one reason or another. That being said, I cannot claim reasonability or liability for any and all content you find once you leave the pages of William's Bloody Hell. Click these links and view exterior content at your own risk and don't blame me.
I am in no way affiliated with any of the aforementioned parties. No infringement is intended or implied. (Please don't sue!)
All images on this site were created by me, except where otherwise noted and credited. Downloading and using my artwork is acceptable as long as I receive proper credit and a link back here if displayed on a website. Do not claim my work as your own, use it commercially, or make money off of it in any way. Practically anything else is okay. Any questions regarding use and/or proper credit or anything else, please e-mail me. Please don't steal. If I am posting art by you or my own rendition of a work of yours, which you would like me to remove, please let me know by e-mail and it shall be done.
This site was started in May of 2003 as a free-site on Geocities (remember Geocities?!?) because I was bored and wanted to showcase my artwork. The domain was purchased February 2004, from and is hosted by 1 and 1 dot com. All pages were created using a blank page on Microsoft Frontpage because coding an entire page gives me a nosebleed. Therefore, I would like to thank all the sites listed on the links page under tutorials (pretty much all of them are now defunct and their links removed. #sadface) for all of their awesome codes, instructions, advice, and help. A special thanks to Rachel the Great for some invaluable website and HTML tips!
Old, old, OLD images were touched up and colored using Corel Photo-Paint 8. Newer art was retouched and colored using Adobe Photo Shop 7. Old art was inked using Micron markers. All art produced after April 2012 was inked digitally. I love my Wacom Cintiq tablet. Yes, I do.
This site is best viewed using a 1024x768 screen resolution or higher and either Internet Explorer 6+ or FireFox 3+. And none of this would be possible without the help of David the Great. Thanks Dave. William's Bloody Hell and all original content is copyrighted to me, or its respective creators so there. 2003-2018.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.