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Rants >> Rant 33

:: Today's soundtrack:  Joy Division "From Safety to Where" ::

 Alrighty, since the last time I spoke of the subject of the dreaded reality television serieses, there have been some odd goings on in that realm.

I recently watched a bit of that show Celebrity Mole or what have you. I really do not see the point of this show. Why would I want to see has-been celebrities compete for money? Do I really care if Denis Rodman wins more money than he already has?? I saw them play 2 games... more than that and I think I would have vomited out my eyes. The first game was a fairly creative one. One player in a separate room with 3 paintings. And 3 players in their own room with a canvas each. The man has to describe each painting to each player with a canvas and the have reproduce it from his description. That was pretty unique. The next game however, severely depressed me and there was only so much I could take before losing all faith in humanity in general and setting off my A-bomb. The celebrities are sitting in the back row of a little kids classroom. The host at the teacher's desk will ask them questions based on the information available in elementary school textbooks. Each player writes their answer on a slate and displays it when asked. These people... my god. Elementary school textbooks...! Only 2 out 4 knew there were 7 continents on the Earth. I do not believe anyone knew what the name of the continent that the South Pole was on ("Um.. South America?"...d'oh...). 2 out 4 knew the name of the equator... man oh man was that ever depressing. What does this say about us as a society??

I'm sorry but My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé?? I can't comment. I won't. I refuse to acknowledge further that such an atrocity exists. That is all.

And you know? I still do not see the appeal of Survivor. I saw a Canadian comedian recently and he had a good idea for it. Instead of tropical locales, lets put them all up in the Yukon or Greenland. I think I'll take that a step further and say that for such a show they should only recruit from, oh, say, Florida. People who have never even seen snow, and when it drops to 60 degrees Fahrenheit put on long pants and a sweater. Watching wusses like that struggle in the Artic tundra would be worth my dime.

And well I've had it up to HERE with shows like American Idol and America's Next Top Model. I'm going to start my own reality series... America's Next Top Subway Sandwich Artist. Yeah I like it....

William (America's next top... I don't know...)

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