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Rants >> Rant 3

:: Today's soundtrack: Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the UK" ::

Well, I've just finished reading the latest Harry Potter Book (Order of the Phoenix), and I have to say that the only thing I really liked about it (other than the death of a pretty cool character) was the rising of bitterness in adolescent Harry. I have to say, I now fully expect the next volume to portray Potter in full rebellion mode.

After he gets his OWL results, Harry will be able to use magic at home without getting into trouble. I can see him going on trips to Daigon Alley and spending his wizard gold on leather jackets and pants with zippers all over them, and then changing his hair to fire engine red. He'll start listening to the Sex Pistols and raiding Uncle Vernon's liquor cabinet, throwing his empties against a wall just to hear it smash.

Soon Harry will start hanging out with a totally different crowd which he met in the shadier parts of the wizarding community. They'll come over the Dursley's and trash the sitting room for the hell of it. The bunch of them will take turns turning Dudley into things, then they start dabbling in the Forbidden Curse on him, to see hoe much he can take before passing out.

Back at Hogwarts, they sneak smokes in the Men's Room, and cut classes. They set stuff on fire for fun. They vandalize the Quidditch pitch with pig entrails. Harry and his Hooligans paint and magically mark school property with swear words and gang tags. Caricatures of the headmaster spring up on walls with the caption "Dumbledore is a Doofus!"

Squibs are isolated and tormented because of their magical weaknesses and tortured with fire and curses.

There will be no end to Harry and his Hooligans' reign of terror.

At least in my own mind. I'll bet in the next book the author will have found some way to redeem Harry and his moodiness, by not making it his fault at all (there was mention briefly of a potion which can make you restless and irritable or some such), a la Buffy's college bitchiness being the result of her soul being partially stolen in "Living Conditions." Oh well, that's life..


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