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Rants >> Rant 98

:: Today's soundtrack: Phil Collins "In the Air" ::

I suffer from completely illogical fears sometimes. They usually occur to me late at night, when I can't sleep. I don't know if the sane parts of my brain have already turned themselves off, allowing the hallucinatory and over emotional bits to run rampant or what. I just lay there, over exhausted, and my mind starts over analyzing or just plain over working itself, getting worked up about the stupidest stuff.

Have you ever had the thought when it's late and you can't sleep and you're alone that as soon as you're not looking or asleep that your stuffed animals/dolls/action figures/statuettes will come alive and start moving around? Maybe they're a little ticked off over how you handled them the last time or the pose you left them in and are just waiting for you to pass out before...

It's late, I can't sleep, I'm in my pajamas and what if some weird supernatural event happens where the world is suddenly besieged by vampires/werewolves/zombies? Are the doors locked? Are they good deadbolts? If I had to, could I make a flying leap out of the window and make it to my car? Would there be time to check on my loved ones before fleeing to the countryside? What should I grab on the way out? Am I stocked up on ammunition? Are any of my swords practical to use in that sort of situation?

Is it possible that this house is haunted? There's kind of an eerie feeling in the guest bedroom. I can't put my finger on it, but it creeps me out sometimes. Did I just see a shadow flicker? I've lived here for a few years now, wouldn't I know if I had a ghost for certain before now?

It's dark, it's quiet, I'm alone, so what was that noise just now? The house settling? Maybe. There was a clang. I distinctly heard a clanging noise. Settling houses don't clang, do they? I'm not getting up to check on it. No way. That's how you wind up dead in horror movies. Check out a strange noise in the night... yeah right! I'll just lay here and... nothing. It was just an isolated noise. Yes, that's it.

If I were to die in my sleep tonight, would anyone know? How long before anyone would take notice? Two days? Three? What would happen to all of my stuff? I don't have a will. Should I make one out? How's my life insurance? I wonder what happens when you die. Will I die? Soon? Tonight?

And I wonder why I have trouble sleeping.

Does anyone else have this sort of problem? Any helpful tips? Or just make fun. Go ahead.

William (the brain that just won't turn off)