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Rants >> Rant 61

:: Today's soundtrack: The Misfits "Horror Hotel" ::

There is a difference between scary and creepy. Characters like Freddy Kreuger, Norman Bates, and the cast of House of 1000 Corpses are there to scare you. Their killing and bloodletting and nightmare inducing is legendary. However, I, myself, find that its the creepy characters that chill me to the bone. Creepiness is by far more subtle, and being less obvious than scary, it raises the hairs on your neck and you don't know why. Here, I've profiled some of the creepiest folks in films:

Mama Edie (Pink Flamingoes). Okay, the freak parade at the end of the movie I'm fine with it. The dangling carrot? Still fine. Transvestites and turds? Okey-doke. But... that woman. A full grown obese woman sitting around in a play pen with a baby bonnet on asking about the Egg Man... call the poliiiiice!

The elderly couple (Mulholland Drive). You knew David Lynch would work his way in here. Mulholland Drive had its sudden and confusing plot twists and weird, kinky sex stuff as per usual. That elderly couple at the end though? They just show up, chase Naomi Watts and scream. And she screams. And they scream. And a strobe light is flashing. Back and forth; screaming and screaming. Weird man.

Frank (Donnie Darko). If I were to start sleep walking and have waking visions of the future, the thing that would freak me out most would be having this guy as a tour guide.

The twins (The Shining). And, yes, something from Stephen King had to make it in, too, I suppose. Blood-thirsty clown, people risen from the dead and telekinetics I can handle. Those two little girls, though... "Come play with us, Danny. Come play for ever and ever and ever..." Head for the hills. 

The baby (Eraserhead). Yet another David Lynch moment. Among the blood-spattering little chickens, radiator girl and weird giant sperm-like-thingies, nothing is creepier than when that baby starts to laugh its freakish wheezy laugh.

That kid who likes the tin man (A Christmas Story). What is with that kid?

And there you have it; those who creep me out to no end. I'm sure there are more, but as usual, when I have to think about something, it vanishes from the forefront of my mind. What about you, kiddies? Who creeps you out?

William (frightened of the things he may find)